Terms & Conditions


You should first ensure that you read, understand and agree with all the terms and conditions contained in this agreement between you and Sai Roshni Capital Private Limited (“User Agreement”) before you may use the latter’s services and facilities. You should only use such services and facilities if you have read and understood the terms and conditions of this User Agreement and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Should you need any clarification or further information on issue regarding this User Agreement, please contact us at care@ezfinanz.com.


1.1 This User Agreement is an agreement between the you (“User”) and M/s. Sai Roshni Capital Private Limited and its subsidiaries, associates, affiliates and partners (“Company”) and it governs your use of the products, projects, facilities and/or other services (together called the “services”) provided by Company through the website at www.ezfinanz.com (meaning the ‘site’ or ‘website’), any and all mobile applications provided by Company and associated information, programs, projects, etc., provided thereat (refers to and means “Software”).

1.2 By registering yourself, with free consent and without any undue influence, threat or coercion; sharing your personal information and creating your own User identification and password and thereafter entering into the website by using your password protected login process at the website shall be the point of time, day, date, month and year with effect from then you shall be deemed to have agreed to all the terms and conditions of this User Agreement as well as the applicable laws, rules and regulations.

1.3 All the parties hereto are bound by these terms and conditions unless they have expressly consented to waive any of their rights.

1.4 Any failure or delay on the part of the Company to act or exercise any right or remedy with respect to a breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by you shall not be construed as a waiver of our right to act with respect to the said breach or any prior, concurrent, subsequent or similar breaches.

1.5 You may opt-out, discontinue or cease using the services and facilities provided at the website and terminate your account at any time, by informing the Company in writing through e-mail at care@ezfinanz.com and in such an eventuality, you may let us know reasons for such termination as feedback which, we believe, would help us improving quality of our services and facilities.


2.1 Company and its subsidiaries, associates, affiliates and partners have their respective contributions and they jointly and severally own all benefits and gains to the extent of their respective contributions.

2.2 Use of the ezfinanz.com name and any of the other names or marks associated with the website, the services, facilities or the software is strictly forbidden, unless it is used with the express written permission of the Company. The website, the services, facilities and the software, including its code, documentation, appearance, structure, and organization is an exclusive product of the Company, which retains all rights, tangible and intangible, to the ezfinanz.com website; the projects, programs, facilities and entertainment games thereat and the software, codes, copies, modifications or merged parts thereof.


3.1 In order to use the services and facilities, a User must register for a virtual account ( “Account”), in the manner as provided in detail in this Agreement; he/she shall truthfully and accurately provide all information specified as mandatory.

3.2 In order to avail the services, you must satisfy the following criteria at all times:

A. You must have attained the age of majority within your country (being 18 years in India);

B. You must not suffer from any disability or impairment which would prevent you from assuming the responsibilities contained in the User Agreement or from obtaining our services or facilities;

C. You must possess a valid PAN (Income-tax) number, which will be associated with your accounts and which you may be required to provide to us upon request;

D. You must satisfy the legal criteria so that you are competent to avail the services in the specific jurisdiction from which you are accessing the website and the services.

3.3 Users who do not fulfill the abovementioned criteria specified in paragraph 3.2 are expressly barred from obtaining the services.

3.4 You understand and accept that by viewing or using the website or availing of any facilities, projects, programs and/or other services, or using communication features on the website, you may be exposed to content posted by other persons and in some postings you may find such content offensive, objectionable or indecent. You may bring such posting and content to our notice and we reserve the right to act upon it as deemed fit and proper. The decision taken by the Company in this regard shall be final and binding on you.


4.1 We provide to our valid, registered Users the opportunity to enter into financial trasnactions including loans, investments, special offers etcetra. using the website, app and the other services.

4.2 The Company levies and collects applicable taxes, charges, cesses and other levies on services provided by it as per applicable rates. The levies charged and collected may vary from time to time.


5.1 Each User shall have one virtual account. The aforementioned account is to be operated and used by you only and no one else.

5.2 You undertake that all the information given by you at the time of opening of the account and subsequently furnished upon request by the Company, is true, complete and correct. You further undertake to any provide and all documents required by the Company as proof of such information upon request by the Company. You understand that the Company may take steps to verify any such information provided by you. Your continued use of the services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, is subject to the Company’s continued satisfaction that all such details provided by you are true, complete and correct.

5.3 You are prohibited from using the services by means of accounts registered in the name of any other individual.

5.4 Should you attempt to open more than one account under your own name or under any other name or should you attempt to use our services and facilities by means of any other person’s account – we will be entitled to close all accounts opened by you, without giving any notice and also expel or debar you from accessing or using our services and facilities in future.

5.5 You shall not share the password and any other confidential and sensitive information pertaining to your account with any other person. The Company is not responsible if your account is accessed by others using your password or other confidential information.


6.1 You are prohibited from:

a) posting, publishing or otherwise making available to other Users through our services, site or software, any content which is obscene, defamatory, illegal, prejudicial to the Company, or is otherwise offensive without being illegal.

b) undertaking any activity which may be harmful to other Users or interfere with the functioning of the site, the software or the services, including but not limited to attempting to decompile the software, intercept communications with the site, attempting to mask or spoof your IP address, or uploading or spreading viruses or computer contaminants as defined by law in force in India.


7.1 While obtaining the services, User takes full responsibility for the risk of internet disconnection or communication interferences between their computer and the Company’s servers, any lag or freezing of the relevant software, and any problems attributable to their own computer or network connection.

7.2 The Company will not be liable for any network disconnections on the User’s computer or any other external networks.

7.3 In the event of a server crash, breakdown, software defect, technical failure or any other failure attributable to the Company which results in failure to provide services, the User shall not be charged for such services or shall be refunded for such failure to provide services, provided that such refund or non-levy of charge shall not be applicable in case services have been partially rendered by the Company. You accept that the Company is not liable to you in such cases in any manner, except to the extent hereby stated.


8.1 All rights, tangible and intangible, including trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property rights, with regard to the services, the site and the software and any content or information displayed or contained therein, belong exclusively to the Company, unless expressly provided otherwise. The Company is merely permitting the User to use the services and not use the same for any commercial gain, and no right of any nature whatsoever is being passed on the User by virtue of permitting him/her to obtain the services. Using the services, the site and the software does not, expressly or impliedly, give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in the services, site or software or the content or information you access.

8.2 Our services, site or software may display content which does not belong to the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and this content is the sole responsibility of the person or entity that makes it available.


9.1 You acknowledge and agree that in the event you commit a breach (as may be determined by the Company in its sole discretion) of any of the terms of the Agreement, or the Company in its sole discretion determines that your continued access to the Services is prejudicial to the Company, other Users or the public interest, the Company may take any one or more of the following steps:

A. Suspend or delete your account;

B. Bar you from using or accessing the services in the future;

C. Impose restrictions upon your ability to obtain certain types of services; and

D. Report any suspicious or potentially illegal activity to legal or governmental authorities, and to entities including banks, payment gateways, processors, or other financial institutions or intermediaries.

9.2 Any such actions as enumerated above which may be taken by the Company would be without prejudice to any other legal or equitable rights/remedies available to the Company


10.1 The Company shall not be liable for any claim, loss, injury, or damages (direct, indirect, incidental or any other kind whatsoever) arising from or in connection with your use of the services, the website or any related software.

10.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Agreement, you agree that our maximum aggregate liability for all your claims against us, in all circumstances shall be limited to the processing fees paid by the company.

10.3 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company against any claims, actions, suits, damages, penalties, or awards brought against us by any entity or individual in connection with or in respect of your use of the services, the website or any related software.

10.4 The website may contain links which provide access to third-party web sites. Such third party web sites may have different privacy policies, terms and conditions and business practices than we do have. Reference on the website to any product, process, publication or service of any third party by trade name, domain name, trademark, trade identity, service mark, logo, and manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by the Company. Your dealings or communications with any such third party are solely between you and that third party.


11.1 The Company makes no warranty or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content contained on the services, the website or any related software. The services, the website or any related software, and all content, materials, information, services, and products contained therein, including, without limitation, text, graphics, and links, are provided ‘as is’ and without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied.

11.2 The Company disclaims all warranties, express and implied with regard to the merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, freedom from computer virus etc of the services, the website or any related software. The Company does not represent or warrant that the functions contained in the services, the website or any related software will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that they or the server that makes the services, the website or any related software available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

11.3 The Company also reserves the right to limit your use of the services, or terminate your account, in case it determines that you have intentionally caused any malfunction or disruption of the services, the website or any related software.


12.1 Commercial use of the services, the website or any related software is strictly forbidden. The User is only allowed to use the services, the website or any related software for his/her personal use.

12.2 The User may not attempt to modify, decompile, reverse-engineer or disassemble the services, the website or any related software in any way.

12.3 All actions taken in relation to the services, the website or any related software by a User must be executed personally by the User through the User interface accessible by use of the services, the website or any related software.

12.4 You agree that Company may take steps to detect and prevent the use of third party programs, robots/ bots, or any form of artificial intelligence by the User or other persons. Such action may include, but is not limited to, the examination of software programs running concurrently with the Company on the User’s computer.

12.5 Your continued use of the services will be deemed to constitute your acceptance for receiving important information be it account information, promotional or any sort of notifications either by SMS, E-mail or any other modes as it may deem fit.


13.1 Company reserves the right to amend, alter, modify or change any of the terms and conditions of the User Agreement at any time. We shall, however, notify such amendments, alterations, modifications or changes either by giving notice or notifying in the manner as the Company may deem fit and proper or by posting the amended User Agreement on the Site.

13.2 Your continued use of the services will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of the amended, altered, modified or changed terms and conditions of the User Agreement.

13.3 If you do not agree with the amended, altered, modified or changed terms and conditions of the User Agreement, you may terminate use of your User accounts as well as our services by notifying us of your intention to do so.


14.1 The company does not charge anything for the use of the product and is just for easier facilitation and hence there is no refund policy applicable.


We may, in our sole discretion, with or without prior notice and at any time, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any portion of our services.


When accessing or using the Services, you agree that you will not commit any unlawful act, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using our Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not:

Use our services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other users from fully enjoying our services, or that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functioning of our services in any manner;

Use our services to pay for, support or otherwise engage in any activity prohibited by law, including, but not limited to fraud, money-laundering, or terrorist financing activities;

Attempt to circumvent any content filtering techniques we employ, or attempt to access any service or area of our services that you are not authorized to access;

Introduce to the services any virus, trojan, worms, logic bombs or other harmful material; and

Encourage or induce any third-party to engage in any of the activities prohibited under this Section.


The Company expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability for any harm resulting from: a) your participation in or cancellation of any services obtained, and b) any activity or transaction with third parties whom you may have connected to through the services, the website or the ten Software.


All kinds of claims and complaints or differences and disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, Telangana State, India.